Saturday, June 29, 2024

Paper Leak Set to Rock Parliament – Narvijay Yadav

Since the formation of the NDA government, a string of issues has plagued its tenure without respite. It began with the NEET exam paper leak and escalated with the tragic train accident near Darjeeling.

The recurring problem of paper leaks has been a persistent issue, drawing widespread attention over the years in states like Rajasthan, Bihar, and Uttar Pradesh.

This issue was a significant factor contributing to the unexpected electoral setback for the BJP in Uttar Pradesh, fueling youth dissatisfaction that manifested prominently in the subsequent general elections.

Examinations are not merely a concern for students and youth; they deeply affect their families, who often incur significant financial burdens to finance coaching and higher education.

Many middle-class families pin their hopes on their children’s success to ease household financial pressures in the future. However, repeated cancellations of exams and age restrictions due to delays inevitably foster discontent at every level, prompting widespread protests. Therefore, the longstanding problem of paper leaks demands a robust and lasting solution.

I experienced the devastation of a paper leak during my BSc studies at Allahabad University. I had diligently prepared for the CPMT exam, confident of securing admission to a medical college. However, my hopes were shattered when news broke that the exam had been compromised and subsequently canceled.

This incident, which occurred in the 1980s, forced me to reconsider my career path and make significant adjustments to my plans for the future. Such circumstances naturally breed frustration and disillusionment with the system.

For the average person, things like the Patel statue, the Ram temple, or religious politics hold little relevance compared to fundamental concerns. These distractions do not create jobs or contribute substantially to societal well-being.

True progress hinges on initiatives that foster employment opportunities, provide job-focused education, deliver affordable healthcare, and ensure effective public services. When every individual has access to meaningful employment, crime rates naturally decline, and prosperity becomes attainable for all.

The upcoming session of Parliament, commencing this Monday, poses significant challenges for the new government. The opposition has bolstered its ranks and is poised to obstruct legislative proceedings with renewed vigor.

Even before entering Parliament, the nation’s oldest party is exhibiting unparalleled enthusiasm, wielding social media as a potent weapon, albeit in a manner that many consider misuse.

A YouTuber originally from Rohtak, Haryana, now residing in Germany, has been actively tarnishing Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s image at the behest of this party. Meanwhile, the Congress-led Karnataka government sent its plainclothes police to Noida to apprehend a prominent pro-BJP YouTuber.

This underscores the Congress’s establishment of a dubious ecosystem aimed at fomenting social media unrest. Through a web of falsehoods, deception, and vitriol, this network is propagating digital terror, while the ruling party remains on the defensive mode, seemingly preoccupied with yoga.

Adding to the turbulence, the infamous duo ‘UP ke do ladke’ are set to make a grand entrance in Parliament, promising uproar, while thousands of disgruntled youth amplify their dissent from outside.

The controversy surrounding the paper leak has already erupted well before the session’s commencement. The unfolding events will be closely watched to see what unfolds next.

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