Monday, July 1, 2024

Jai Inder Kaur visits Baddi & Chotti Nadi, Expresses concern over lack of preparation for monsoon

Patiala, 28 June, 2024 (Yes Punjab News)

Senior BJP leader and President of Mahila Morcha, Punjab Jai Inder Kaur today conducted a visit to the Baddi and Chotti Nadi (Drains of Patiala) to assess the cleaning arrangements ahead of the monsoon season. She expressed concern over lack of preparations for the upcoming monsoon season, hoping that last year’s mistakes won’t be repeated.

While speaking to the media, the Mahila Morcha President said, “These very drains had caused havoc in the city during last year’s floods, resulting in significant damage to property, infrastructure, and displacement of citizens.

The memories of the devastation are still fresh, and it is unacceptable that the Punjab Government has not taken necessary measures to prevent a repeat of the disaster.”

She further said, “The lack of proper cleaning and maintenance of these drains may lead to severe flooding in the upcoming rainy season, causing harm to the citizens, especially the colonies that are nearby. It is the responsibility of the concerned authorities to ensure that the drains are cleared of all obstructions and debris to prevent waterlogging and flooding.”

She further said, “I demand that the authorities take immediate action to clean the drains and ensure the safety of the citizens. We will not tolerate any negligence on this critical issue, and I will continue to monitor the situation closely.”

She further informed that, “I have also personally handed over a memorandum to the Additional Deputy Commissioner (ADC) Patiala, requesting her to expedite the cleaning and maintenance of these drains at the earliest. I urged her to take prompt action to prevent any potential disasters.”

Jai Inder Kaur also lamented that the Punjab Government has failed to provide compensation to the people affected by the floods last year, despite promises made by the Chief Minister. “The government’s apathy towards the flood victims is appalling.

The people are still waiting for the compensation that was promised to them, but the government has turned a deaf ear to their pleas. This is a clear example of the government’s negligence and insensitivity towards the people’s suffering.”

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