31.1 C
Sunday, May 5, 2024

Detailed Vadodara weather forecast and info on other cities

Summer in Vadodara is the rainy season. During this period, the number of precipitation increases to 350 mm, which is 349 mm more than at other times of the year. Rains end only in October, so in August it is better not to leave your house without an umbrella. Throughout the rest of the year, the forecast of the Vadodara weather pleases with many sunny days without any rain.

August is considered one of the hottest months. The air temperature during the day reaches +32 degrees Celsius, and in the evenings the mercury drops to +25 degrees. The main reason for high humidity and heavy rainfall is believed to be the influence of monsoons. The wind speed reaches 14-18 km per hour.

August is also a month when a gradual decrease in precipitation is observed. In the last month of summer, the rainfall reached 270 mm, which is 80 mm less than in July. You can easily find out about the upcoming rain in Vadodara if you use the reliable weather service. All data are updated every hour so that the climate won’t take you by surprise.

Weather in New Delhi now and for a whole month
Monsoons influence the continental climate of the capital of India. Summer starts in April and ends at the end of October. Despite the high air temperature, August is one of the rainiest months of the year. The detailed forecast for the weather in New Delhi now will help you prepare for rains in advance.

The air temperature in August reaches +40 degrees Celsius. In the evenings, the mercury drops to +25 degrees Celsius. High humidity persists throughout August, and only with the arrival of autumn we can hope for a decrease in humidity. The amount of precipitation in August is about 235 mm. The last month of summer is the peak of the rainy season.

In general, now the weather in New Delhi is predictable. Long periods of rainfalls are followed by sunny days. To plan your holidays and walks, it is better to study possible changes in the weather here and prepare for them in advance.

Weather in Arsikere today and tomorrow
The climate of Arsikere is different from other cities. The air temperature in August reaches +28 degrees Celsius, and the amount of rainfall is 190 mm. The air humidity level remains comfortable for most residents. The Arsikere weather in August is most often cloudy with little precipitation.

You can study the weather conditions for today or the next week thanks to the Meteoprog.in service. The resource provides data not only on the air temperature but also on other important factors:
* wind speed;
* rainfall;
* UV index.
Information on the resource is updated every hour. Thanks to this, its users will always be ready for unpredictable weather on any day in Arsikere.

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