Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Seva Food Bank enhances food storage and service quality thanks to $56,600 Ontario Govt grant

Mississauga, July 17, 2024 (Yes Punjab News)

On Wednesday, local MPP Deepak Anand met with the team at the Seva Food Bank to celebrate the $56,600 Capital grant they received from the provincial government’s Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF).

The funds allowed the Food Bank to purchase and install necessary equipment to improve their service capacity.

“Congratulations to Seva Food Bank on receiving Capital Grant Funding from the Ontario Trillium Foundation to install new HVAC systems at their food storage warehouse,” said Deepak Anand, MPP for Mississauga—Malton.

“This vital support will enhance their ability to serve our community, ensuring a comfortable and efficient environment for all their operations. Kudos to the entire Seva Food Bank team for their unwavering dedication and hard work!”

First awarded in September 2023, the grant funds allowed the Seva Food bank to install a new HVAC unit in their warehouse to support safer program and service delivery for food bank clients.

This significant upgrade to their warehouse will allow the Seva Food Bank to store food more effectively and thereby effectively continue to provide high-quality, nutritious, and culturally appropriate food to Mississauga residents.

“We are grateful for the support from the Ontario Trillium Foundation, which has enabled us to strengthen our mission of fighting food insecurity in Mississauga,” added Vipin Saini, Executive Director at Seva Food Bank.

“This upgrade not only helps us serve our current clients better but also positions us to support more families in the future.”

Seva Food Bank serves nearly 1,000 families each month, providing them with fresh produce, culturally appropriate staples, and other essential food items.

The HVAC installation also improves the working environment for our dedicated volunteers as well, ensuring they can perform their tasks safely and comfortably.

“Whether it’s helping people learn new things, connect with their community, or simply have fun, organizations like Seva Food Bank deliver experiences that make a difference,” said Stan Cho, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Gaming.

“That’s why grant support through the Ontario Trillium Foundation is so important. This funding will help ensure they remain at the heart of the community for decades to come.”

The Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) is an agency of the Ontario government with a mission to build healthy and vibrant communities across the province.

Last year, OTF invested more than $110M into 1,044 community projects and multi-sector partnerships. Projects aim to enhance economic well-being, foster more active lifestyles, support child and youth development, provide spaces for people to come together and connect, and create a more sustainable environment. Visit otf.ca to learn more.

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