August 8, 2024 (Yes Punjab News)
Two batches of one-year Diploma in Agricultural Extension Services for Input Dealers (DAESI) were started at Punjab Agricultural Management and Extension Training Institute (PAMETI) in March, 2023 with the main objective to train the input dealers regarding location-specific crop related technologies and efficient handling of inputs.
The valedictory programme for the same was conducted on August 8, 2024 which is graced by Sh. Ajit Balaji Joshi (IAS), Secretary Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare, Punjab as Chief Guest. Sh. Jaswant Singh, Director of Agriculture, Punjab presided over the function as Guest of Honour.
Dr. KB Singh, Director, PAMETI in his welcome address, shared the objectives of this one-year diploma and said that the programme was meant for practising input dealers so that they can serve the farming community in a better way as para-extension workers.
Dr. Rupinder Kaur, State Coordinator-DAESI, Punjab revealed that this diploma was sponsored by National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Ministry of Agri & Farmers’ Welfare, Govt. of India. She clarified that this programme helped the dealers in building technical competency and will facilitate them in their working.
Sh. Ajit Balaji Joshi congratulated PAMETI on successful completion of this programme and lauded its efforts for upgradation of technical competency of input dealers. He motivated the participants to guide farmers in the right direction by their hand holding during this time of crises in agriculture. He also exhorted the need for more such programmes in the state.
Sh. Jaswant Singh congratulated all the participants on successful completion of a one-year diploma. He assured the support from agriculture department in PAMETI’s future endeavors and also urged to pursue more such programmes.
Dr RK Kalra (Former HOD, Ext Edu, PAU), Facilitator for DAESI programme said during vote of thanks that overwhelming cooperation had been received throughout the programme from PAU and Department of Agriculture, Punjab. She added that participants very enthusiastically participated in the programme and 100% eligible candidates cleared the diploma progamme.
Certificates issued by MANAGE, GoI have been awarded to all participants. Participants who scored highest marks, cleared with distinction and 100% attendance were also honored with certificates of appreciation. Participants shared their experiences and applauded the role of PAMETI.