Ludhiana, January 7, 2025 (Yes Punjab News)
The Ludhiana has now 2688697 voters as per the final photo voter list released by the district administration on Tuesday. A total of 15709 new voters have been added during the special summary revision of electoral rolls that started on October 29, 2024 to November 28, 2024.
While handing over the voter list to the representatives of the various political leaders in his office, Additional Deputy Commissioner (G) Rohit Gupta stated that at the time of draft electoral roll publication, the district had a total 2672988 voters including 1423098 males, 1249744 females and 146 third genders and now it has 1430951 males, 1257601 females and 145 third gender voters as per publication of final electoral rolls. There is a net increase of 4471 young voters, 82 PWDs, six NRIs as compared to the draft electoral roll published on October 29, 2024.
Gupta also mentioned that during the special summary revision of the electoral roll, various activities were carried out to raise awareness among prospective voters in the district.
He also informed that anyone can also check the voter list on the websites of Election Commission of India and Chief Electoral Officer, Punjab viz. and respectively. He stated that anyone eligible can still apply for registering as a voter either through online or offline modes.