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Jalandhar Police bust gang of robbers, 5 Arrested, 3 Pistols seized

Jalandhar, November 12, 2020 (Yes Punjab News)
In a breakthrough, the district police have arrested five members of an eleven-member robber’s gang with a recovery of three pistols, bullets, and stolen items from them.

Disclosing this here today, Commissioner of Police Gurpreet Singh Bhullar said that the arrested accused had been identified as Nihal Singh resident of Gautam Nagar, Rohit Kumar alias Makkar of Bank Colony Kabir Vihar, Vicky resident of Raj Nagar, Jagpreet alias Gopi from Chuna Bhatti, Raj Nagar, and Rohit Sharma a resident of Krishna Nagar.

The police have recovered as many as three pistols, ten live bullets, stolen and robbed items, silver ornaments, and two-wheelers besides seizure of cash. He said that the consecutive operations of Commissionerate Police against gangsters would certainly deter criminals leading to crime control besides tracing some other cases too.

Revealing the modus operandi of this gang, the Commissioner of Police mentioned that the accused had been indulging in many incidents including robbery, stealing, theft in the past adding they used to rob people at gun-point besides stealing shops and residential areas in the night.

He mentioned that one of the accused was an expert in breaking shutters of shops as earlier he had been working as a shutter mechanic adding they used to target the shops which didn’t have center-lock in the shutter.

Further, the accused had also imparted the training of breaking shutters to other members of the gang, and the gang members were aging between 21 to 26 years, said the CP. The police have registered a case against the accused in various sections of the Indian Penal Code.

Bhullar further said that the arrest of all these accused has led towards the tracing of previously unsolved 14 cases of theft, robbery, and stealing, etc. He said that police teams were conducting raids at the hideouts of other members of the gang, and many more cases were expected to unravel during further investigation.

Listing the recovered items, the CP said that one pistol 9mm, three live bullets, one pair of gold earrings, one stolen inverters, two stolen cylinders, 28 pairs of stolen readymade paint-shirts, stolen and robbed cash of Rs. 17,800, stolen registration certificate (RC) of a motorcycle (which would use on the bike that during a crime incident), a motorcycle, two activa, two boxed of stolen oil, and a pipe-bench that was used to break locks of shops and houses.

The Commissioner of Police said that acting of more inputs surfaced from preliminary interrogation of the arrested accused, the team of CIA staff was conducting raids to arrest others absconding members of the group. He further added that the team of CIA staff headed by in-charge Harvinder Singh would be honored for their commendable services.




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