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Congress’ CM face announcement as Litmus Test for party and Gandhi family: Harpal Cheema

Chandigarh, February 5, 2022 (Yes Punjab News)
Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Punjab Senior Leader and Leader of Opposition Harpal Singh Cheema said, “Now we’ll know the stand of Congress party, whether they will choose a mafia or a self-willed/ self-centred leader to be their chief ministerial candidate, because it is pointless to expect an honest and pro-Punjab CM from Congress.”

Cheema made this remark while reacting to Congress’s CM face announcement and said that Congress party has been pretending to be honest, patriotic and philanthropic. But now the selection of the Chief Ministerial candidate is a litmus test for the Congress and the Gandhi family.

In a statement issued from the party headquarters on Saturday, Harpal Cheema said, “Congress is giving two options in their survey for choosing CM face, and one option is being associated to mafia and the other is fickle.” He said that Congress leaders are facing allegations of running or patronizing the sand, liquor and transport mafia. And time to time Congressmen have alleged each other of corruption too.

Cheema said that choosing CM candidate is an internal matter of Congress party but the people of Punjab want to get rid of corruption, mafia and instability in government system of Punjab.

He said that Congress leaders are questioning the high command about their choice of CM face as Navjot Sidhu has said that a person who is alleged of sand and liquor mafia or has been related to it can never take tough decisions. And on the other hand rest of the people don’t want someone who is garrulous but has nothing to say on the matter of mafia, corruption and hooliganism.

Cheema also questioned the inaction of Congress high command and Gandhi family against the mafia alleged leaders. He said that maybe that’s because Gandhi family is taking share in mafia money.

He added that the people of Punjab will get rid of mafia, corruption and selfless leaders soon and will elect someone. He said that people are aware of the works of Arvind Kejriwal government in Delhi and Bhagwant Mann’s unblemished and honest personality. So they will neither choose mafia nor a self-centred person. He claimed that on March 10th a corruption and mafia free government will be formed in Punjab.

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