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Monday, June 17, 2024

There should be Sanatan board akin to Waqf board, with equal rights and power, says Devkinandan Thakur

New Delhi, May 5, 2024
Amid the heat of election campaign, Devkinandan Thakur, a well-known spiritual guru spoke exclusively to IANS and aired his views on string of issues ranging from ‘Abki baar 400 paar’ slogan, controversy over Congress ‘aversion’ from Ram Temple, vote jhad and many more.

When questioned on Congress’ alleged preference for the minorities, Muslims in particular, he slammed the party for its ‘long history’ of minority appeasement and accused it of preferring the specific community over others for share in nation’s resources.

Notably, former PM Manmohan Singh’s statement on ‘first right of nation’s resources for minorities’ became a political hot potato this season and BJP cornered the grand old party left, right and centre.

Devakinandan Thakur slammed the Congress dispensation for prioritising minorities over Sanatan Dharma followers and also questioned the formation of Waqf Board with special rights and powers.

He demanded that a Sanatan Board should also be formed, on similar lines and with the same powers.

“If the Waqf Board was formed, I want to request PM Modi that if their government comes back to power for third term, there should also be a Sanatan Board. The Sanatan Board should have all the rights that the Waqf Board has. The entire authority should be given to the ‘Sanatan Nyas’, and for this, we will raise public awareness,” he told IANS.

He further said that since Hindus form the majority, they should have the first rights.

“After this election, we will have only two goals. First, we will raise our voice for the construction of temple for Lord Shri Krishna and second, there should be a Sanatan Board, in which Sanatanis should have all the rights, akin to Waqf Board.”

On questions of vote jihad, the spiritual leader refrained from giving a direct answer but said that casting vote is every citizen’s responsibility and also made an appeal to everyone to come out of their homes, on day of polling.

“This is the duty and responsibility of every citizen, including the Sanatanis. We should all fulfill this responsibility and make it a point to cast our vote,” he said.

“I strongly support Prime Minister Narendra Modi for 2024 polls,” Devkinandan said when queried on his viral video.

He said that he stood by his video of backing PM Modi for third term and added: “Those who know me personally know that I always speak from the heart, not just with my mind and tongue. Whatever is in my heart, I speak it out. I have never said before this election that I support this party.”

He went on to add: “From the platform of the Sanatan Sant Samiti, I openly said that I would vote for Narendra Modi and the BJP government in 2024 because the BJP government has built the Ram temple for us.”(Agency)




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