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Amarinder giving jobs to wards of Congress MLAs to save his chair: Sukhbir Badal announces to quash such appointments

Chandigarh, June 18, 2021 (Yes Punjab News)
Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) President Sukhbir Singh Badal today while condemning chief minister Capt Amarinder Singh for giving jobs in the police and revenue department to wards of Congress legislators to save his chair, said all such illegal appointments would be quashed once the SAD-BSP alliance formed the government in the State in 2022.

In a statement here, the SAD President said it was shocking that while the poor and meritorious were awaiting jobs under the ‘ghar ghar naukari’ scheme of the Congress government the latter had changed the scheme to ‘kewal Congress ghar naukari’. “Earlier rules were given the go by to appoint former chief minister Beant Singh’s grandson as a DSP on fake compassionate grounds.

Now, again false compassionate grounds have been created to give jobs to the sons of Congress legislators Fatehjgang Singh and Rakesh Pandey who have been appointed to the posts of Inspector and Naib Tehsilder respectively”.

Terming the appointments as illegal, Mr Sukhbir Badal said jobs could not be given to the wards of the legislators in lieu of the alleged sacrifice of their grand fathers. “It is deplorable that the chief minister has given this false premise while explaining the act which is aimed at saving his chair in the ongoing tussle in the Punjab Congress party.

The chief minister of all persons should know the contents of the FIR which was registered when former minister Satnam Singh Bajwa was shot down in 1987. The FIR stated that Satnam Bajwa was killed in a case involving personal rivalry.

Where is the question of sacrifice in this case on the basis of which Bajwa’s grand-son is being rewarded with a government job 33 years after his grandfather’s death?”, Mr Badal asked.

Mr Badal said it was shameful that jobs on compassionate grounds were being given to Congress families who did not need them due to their super rich financial status but not a single job was given to any farmer suicide victim family even though they had been promised the same.

He said similarly the martyrs of the ‘Kisan Andolan’ were also not given jobs. “The government has also reneged on its commitment to regularize thousands of youth who are working in a contractual capacity in government departments. This amounts to sprinkling salt on the wounds of the youth of the State”.

Asserting that Capt Amarinder was misusing his position to benefit Congress leaders and their families, the SAD President said “such acts will not save the party’s sinking ship. In fact they will hasten the fall of the Congress party as people are repulsed by the naked greed shown by Congressmen to grab everything for themselves”.

He said the chief minister had promised jobs to the poor and deserving. “The Congress party also got the youth to file application forms for this purpose. However the youth were betrayed with jobs being offered to Congress favourites only”.

Stating that jobs on compassionate grounds needed to be given only to genuine beneficiaries including army martyr families as per laid down rules, Mr Badal said special exception given to families of Congressmen was very demoralizing for society at large. “The SAD-BSP alliance will revoke all these illegal appointments once it assumes power in the State”, Mr Badal added.

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